automatic pet feeder

Why Pet Fountains Can Be Bad For Your Furry Friends

PetSafe Drinkwell Outdoor Dog Fountain Petco
PetSafe Drinkwell Outdoor Dog Fountain Petco from


Pet fountains have become increasingly popular over the years as a way to provide fresh water to our furry friends. However, recent studies have shown that these fountains may not be as beneficial as we once thought. In fact, they may even be harmful to our pets. In this article, we will discuss the reasons why pet fountains can be bad for your furry friends.

The Dangers of Stagnant Water

One of the biggest issues with pet fountains is that the water can become stagnant if not cleaned regularly. Stagnant water can harbor harmful bacteria that can cause a variety of health problems for your pets, including urinary tract infections and gastrointestinal issues. It is essential to clean your pet fountain regularly to avoid these issues.

The Risk of Overhydration

Another issue with pet fountains is the risk of overhydration. While it is crucial for our pets to stay hydrated, too much water can be harmful. Overhydration can lead to water intoxication, which can cause seizures, vomiting, and even death. Pet fountains can make it easy for our pets to consume too much water, so it is important to monitor their intake.

The Importance of Filter Maintenance

Pet fountains often come with filters that are designed to keep the water clean and fresh. However, these filters need to be maintained regularly to be effective. If the filter becomes clogged or dirty, it can actually make the water quality worse, leading to more health problems for your pets.

The Risk of Electrical Malfunctions

Pet fountains are typically powered by electricity, which can pose a risk to our pets if something goes wrong. Electrical malfunctions can cause shocks or even start fires, putting our pets in danger. It is essential to choose a high-quality pet fountain with safety features to minimize this risk.

Potential Allergies and Sensitivities

Some pets may have allergies or sensitivities to the materials used in pet fountains. For example, plastic fountains can contain BPA, which can be harmful to some animals. It is important to pay attention to your pet’s reactions to their fountain and choose materials that are safe for them.

The Importance of Proper Hygiene

Pet fountains require proper hygiene to be effective and safe for our pets. This includes regular cleaning, filter maintenance, and water changes. If you do not have the time or energy to maintain a pet fountain properly, it may be better to stick with traditional water bowls.

Alternatives to Pet Fountains

If you are concerned about the potential risks of pet fountains, there are alternatives available. For example, you can use a traditional water bowl or invest in a quality water dispenser that does not require electricity. These options are typically more affordable and easier to maintain.


While pet fountains may seem like a convenient and healthy option for our furry friends, they come with potential risks that should not be ignored. It is essential to maintain them properly, monitor your pet’s water intake, and choose high-quality, safe materials. If you are concerned about the risks, consider using traditional water bowls or other alternatives. Your pet’s health and safety should always come first.

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